Please take the time to read this and most importantly the rules linked at the bottom. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!
2025 meetings will be on the second Sunday of the month from 2-5PM. There do not seem to be any holidays that conflict. To get email reminders of monthly meetings and special classes, sign up here.
2025 is going to bring some changes to the monthly meetings in an effort to provide more for the Pittsburgh rope community. We will have a three month rotating schedule for the fundamentals class. The first month will be more of a social to let people meet others who are also into rope and ask any questions that they may have or help answer questions by sharing their perspective since there is no one way to do rope. The second month will be part one of the fundamentals class and the third month will be part two which will allow us to teach even more fundamental concepts and ties. If you come on a part two month for the first time, feel free to watch and try some things but please make sure to come back for a part one class. Every month there will be the normal open skill share and practice space like we have always had. There will also now be a more intermediate class each month led by someone to help people who have taken the fundamentals classes learn even more. These will be constantly changing.
The current schedule is:
- Jan 12th: Social, intermediate class on reverse tensions and munter hitches, and open skill share
- Feb 9th: Fundamentals part 1, intermediate class on heart shaped harness, and open skill share
- March 9th: Fundamentals part 2, intermediate class diving into single columns, and open skill share
- April 13th: Social, intermediate class on the 2 rope TK foundation, and open skill share
- May 11th: Fundamentals part 1, intermediate class connection and flow, and open skill share
- June 8th:Fundamentals part 2, intermediate class TBD, and open skill share
- July 13th: Social, intermediate class TBD, and open skill share
- Aug 10th:Fundamentals part 1, intermediate class TBD, and open skill share
- Sept 14th: Fundamentals part 2, intermediate class TBD, and open skill share
- Oct 12th: Social, intermediate class TBD, and open skill share
- Nov 9th: Fundamentals part 1, intermediate class TBD, and open skill share
- Dec 14th: Fundamentals part 2, intermediate class TBD, and open skill share
There will also be wristbands available at the door to help identify those who wish you meet others and possibly practice together. Black for tops, purple for bottoms, and orange for switches. Remember, these are only to show you preference that day with rope and that you want to meet others, not that you automatically give consent for anything.
What are skill share meetings? They are a time to come learn, teach and practice rope in an open, inclusive, and safer space where there is no pressure to do anything. They are more of a collaborative effort from all of the attendees rather than one set teacher teaching a pre-determined topic. The only exception to that is a fundamentals review if there are enough people interested. People come to try different things in a supportive environment where others are around to help, ask questions and share their knowledge. At Rope Bite, there is no one true way and everyone is encouraged to share their ways of being tied and tying so that people can find ways of doing rope that work for them. There is no need to come with a partner to start learning. There are also usually others looking to partner up to learn. We also have plenty of rope to borrow.
The Body Shop is a large space with lots of room to spread out. The HVAC systems at Body Shop Pittsburgh have been upgraded with high-performance filtration systems that can not only filter out the typical dirt and allergens, but can also filter out viruses, bacteria, and mold. They are supplementing that with ozone generators to sanitize the club during the week.
Rope Bite meetings are on the second Sunday of the month from 2-5 with a few exceptions for holidays. Please come anytime between 1:45-2:30. These will operate on a pay what you can model with a suggested donation of $10 to help pay for the space. You do not need to be a Body Shop member to attend and everyone dresses comfortably for moving around freely. This is an educational event, not a play party, so there is no need to dress up.
The address is 1200 McKee St, McKees Rocks, PA 15136. When you get to the building, come around into the fenced in lot in the rear (there is some parking inside the fenced-in lot) and come in the white door under the white awning with couches under it towards the left of the building.
Please make sure to read the rules here.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all!