
Rope Safety Info

Below are some links to give yourself a crash (not literally!!!) course in rope safety.  The first and foremost thing to remember is that if anything feels weird, uncomfortable or you want untied for any reason whatsoever, please let the person tying know.  Also please ask questions at any time.  Don’t rush into things.  Rope is dangerous and causes more lasting injuries than almost any other kink activity.  Open communication between the person tying and the person being tied is critical!  It is also very important for people tying to learn all of this info so that they can better communicate with their partner as well as have a better understanding.  Check out the links at the bottom for a lot more information.  It is VERY IMPORTANT!

Having a way to quickly get someone out of rope in an emergence is critical.  You should always have a rope cutter within reach when tying someone or yourself.  There are many different types.  A simple pair of paramedic safety scissors is a good choice as they are very cheap, easy to use and very hard to cut the person.  They are meant to be single use so don’t rely on them if they have been used more than once or twice.  It is always good to test out your cutter of choice so that you know how it works and you aren’t learning how to use it during an emergency.

General Rope Safety (Mainly Anatomy)

Hand Checks

Rope Bottom Guide

Body awarness in rope

Nerve info

Evie Vane’s books are great!

Julie (Slut, PH.D.)’s rope bottoming videos



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